Saturday, March 30, 2013


So..yesterday was the day that my ship sailed back to America.  We aren't in our homeport, but we had to make a stop in Virginia to do some work.  Then, we set sail to Florida for our "real" homecoming!

The day started like any other, with reville, and the morning wake up song.  The Officer of the Deck played some of Boss' "Born in the USA", and got the day going.  The electricity was in the air.  9.5 months of deployment down..and the crew was giddy.  I was lucky, I had my family waiting for me on the pier, and I got to see them after my work was done for the day.  They took me out for some good 'ol American BBQ, and a beer.  Nothing like being back in America.  Eating good food, being around people that speak English, seeing trees, grass-you name it.  What an amazing feeling.

I have the duty blues today, and will make the most of my day so I can enjoy Easter with my family tomorrow.

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we finish this last week of deployment strong.  It isn't over until we get back "home"!
via GOOGLE images

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Homecoming Preps

Homecoming is right around the corner.  Happiness, anxiety, worry, planning-all of it is in the air.  You hear Sailors milling about talking about their plans when they get home.  Taking the family to Disney, buying a new car, going on a date with their girl friend-you name it-we are in full planning mode around here!

I know I am in full planning mode,too..but I have a ton of work to do before we get there. 

I am looking forward to dry land, fresh food, my own bed, seeing my guy, family, friends, getting my puppy back..well-the list goes on..and on..and on!

Homecoming is full of so many emotions.  Here is one article that describes the rollercoaster of emotions that one may face.  Luckily for us, we have teams of counselors that come to the ship and teach class ranging from new babies, reconnecting as a couple, financial management, etc.  The families have similar classes offered to them, too! 

Please continue to pray for us as we continue our journey to our homeport.  We have quite a few days of hard work ahead of us before we can say "Moored, shift colors!" in Florida!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

As we set sail towards "home", we celebrate St. Patrick's Day today.  There will be no celebration, just a normal work day.  I miss home, where there would be plenty of music, soda bread, food, name it.

I can't wait to celebrate with family and friends upon my return!

I will leave you with a poem my SIL sent me with my St. Patrick's Day care package:

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it
Life is beauty, admire it
Life is bliss, taste it
Life is a dream, realize it
Life is a challenge, meet it
Life is a duty, complete it
Life is a game, play it
Life is a promise, fulfill it
Life is sorrow, overcome it
Life is a song, sing it
Life is a struggle, accept it
Life is a tragedy, confront it
Life is an adventure, dare it
Life is luck, make it
Life is too precious, do not destroy it
Life is life, fight for it!

Mother Teresa

Monday, March 11, 2013

Last Port Call!

Here I am!  Bar, Montenegro..sitting in a pituresque town, eating a wonderful meal, enjoying my day!

I have had a long couple of days, but I am happy that I get a break before we head home. Homecoming has never seemed so far away, but so soon at the same time.

Please pray for a safe journey home for my shipmates and I!

I'll be in America soon!

Friday, March 8, 2013

New Look!

I decided that after starting this blog almost 3 years ago, I should create a new look.  Incorporate all of the things that I love-mostly Sweet Home Chicago. 

I hope to be blogging much  more now that I am almost home from my long, long deployment.

I had Jessica at Diamond Doll Designs create the new look for me, and I absolutely love it!  Thanks Jessica!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Motivation and Prayers

As we have powered through strongly these past 8.5 months, I have found that we have reached a point where motivation is hard to come by these days.

Sailors are tired.  They want to go home.  They want to be in America, with their families.  Not on a ship, where they work 12-18 hour+ days all the time. One of these days I will go into a day in the life of a Sailor, but not today. Today I need some prayers that everyone finds what motivates them, so we can work day in and day out-ultimately getting home safely. 

Monday, March 4, 2013


I have to say I am one lucky gal with some great friends.  I have had such great support from them during this deployment.  From care packages, cards, emails-it has been amazing!  I am also fortunate to have friends out here in the deep blue sea, who are there to help with work, listen to you vent about a bad day-you name it. 

From Chicago, to the University of Illinois, to various Navy duty stations, I have met some wonderful men and women I am lucky to call friends.  I can't wait to see most of them when I get home, and others as I travel through the US throughout the year!

Just a little longer, until I am back in the good 'ol USA!