Monday, April 13, 2015


Have you ever had one of those weeks where everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong?

That has been my week.  I could dwell on it, be pissed off, angry, and just downright mad at the world.

I am surprisingly not being bitchy about it, or being one of those fb people you hate "blah blah blah, bad day, blah, I hate the world, blah."

I realized, that I have to be, and am grateful for everything that has gone well.  For all that I have in my life.  I am one lucky girl.  I have a unbelievable husband.  Awesome friends.  Cute puppies.  A loyal family.  A roof over my head. 

The list could go on..but I might bore you.  Whenever you have a terrible day, week, etc.  Just take a second.  Relax.  Breathe-and think about all the good.  Trust me, it works.


  1. This is such a great outlook :) I'm sorry to hear things have been rough, but you seem to be dealing VERY well with it!

    1. Thanks! Just rolling through the punches right now. It is all you can do:)


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