Monday, January 5, 2015

Christmas Recap!

The holidays were a bit of a breeze for me.  I didn't exactly get a lot of time off, because I am saving my days off for "terminal" leave.

In just a few words, it was good friends, good family, good food, and good booze.  Let's face it.  No one wants to read a whole lotta blah, blah, husband got me this, yadda yadda.  You want to see pictures.  Yes.  Pictures!




Ladies lunch.  And Moonshine.

Best thing ever.  $5 Starbucks gift cards to the CPD.  From: A grateful citizen

Waiting to give Olaf to my niece.  We renamed him.  Enzo. And he loves Irish pubs!

First Christmas as husband and wife.  Love him!

1 comment:

  1. Aww happy first married Christmas!! I think Olaf definitely looks like an Enzo lol!!


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