Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!

To me!  I have to say, I usually hate my birthday because most folks forget about it being so close to Christmas.  The joys of being a Christmas baby :)  The past couple of years have been great because one of my brothers and my SIL take me out for dinner and just relax.  My favorite tradition from Birthday past was when my family and I would grab breakfast at this restaurant called the Golden Shell (South East Side of Chicago).  It is closed now, but I hear that the kids of the owners opened up a place in Indiana.  I may have to try it out.  It was a family style breakfast..just platefuls of amazing breakfast food!  It was nice to sit around that place, relax, and just have some seriously amazing food. 

Looking forward to a low key day and a 312 after work! Although I just had this in Seattle, and must find it in Chicago.

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