Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Plenty To Be Thankful For-Special People in My Life

This is a tough subject!  I have many special people in my life. 

First  I am the youngest of a clan..and I wouldn't trade my siblings for anything.  Even though some days I may want to.


Next up...Friends..I have so many cherished friends.  Whether I met them in grammar school, high school, college, or with the Navy..I am truly blessed to have them around!


 Shipmates.  Shipmate is a word of endearment (not a slam) for you Navy friends/family.  I love having my friends that I can call shipmate.  These are people I learn with/learn from, deploy with, and have special bonds with.  The friends I have deployed with, we have a bond that no one else has.  We know, no matter what, we have each others back.

Last, but not guy.  He is the greatest thing that has happened to me.  I am lucky to have him, especially sticking with me through the tough times.  I hope I get to spend the rest of my life with him!
**I love him so much, I sent him the card below last week..ah..true love**

via Paper Source Store

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